The Turkish economy is expected to grow by 6% in the first quarter of 2021

يونيو 30, 2021 |

تاريخ اخر تحديث

يونيو 30, 2021

Turkish Treasury and Finance Minister Lutfi Alwan expected that during the first quarter of this year, his country’s economy would grow between 5.5 to 6 percent.

This came in a statement made by Minister Alwan, Thursday, during his participation in a television program.

The minister added that Turkey achieved a growth of 1.8 percent during the past year, and along with China it became the country that achieved positive growth within the industrial group of 20.

Alwan pointed out that the industrial and agricultural sectors showed outstanding performance during the past year, despite the outbreak of the Corona pandemic.

He stated that the export sector achieved a remarkable performance during the first quarter of this year, and that the value of Turkish exports for the first time in history (annually) is expected to reach $200 billion.

He stressed that price stability is one of the most important elements for achieving stable growth and increasing citizens’ standard of living.

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